
Applying for the Exam FAQs

How can I apply for a certification exam?

How can I apply for a certification exam?

There are several ways to apply. You can apply online. You can download an exam application for mailing or faxing. You will need your resumé and credit card to complete the application.

My application was selected for audit. What do I need to do?

ASQE randomly audits exam applications to verify the experience and/or education claimed is in fulfillment of a certification program’s eligibility requirements. This process maintains the integrity of our exams and complies with internationally recognized accreditation standards. If an application is selected for auditing, the applicant will need to complete and return an ASQE Application Audit Form and evidence of work experience or education claimed.

Where are certification testing locations near me?

Computer delivered exams - Please visit the ASQ test sponsor page on Prometric.com for all available testing centers near you. Simply click on "Locate a Test Center" near the top of the page. You can then search locations using your address, zip code/postal code or city to browse available testing centers.

Translated exams - ASQE has translated some exam programs into Mandarin and Korean. These exams are delivered via PBT (paper based testing) and are available only in high demand locations. View all available translated exams, dates and locations here.

Will I receive a confirmation that my application has been approved?

Yes, you will receive an email notification from ASQ letting you know that your application has been approved and to expect more information regarding exam location and scheduling as it becomes available.

I require ADA accommodations for my exam. How do I apply with accommodations?

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (as amended), it is the policy of ASQE to provide accommodations in testing conditions to applicants with disabilities who are qualified candidates for our certification examinations to the extent such accommodations are requested on a timely basis, reasonable, not unduly burdensome, and consistent with the nature and purpose of the examination and necessitated by the applicant's disability.

A Documentation of Disability form must be completed and signed by a licensed professional for all accommodations. Documentation in electronic format can be uploaded when applying for your exam online or e-mailed to cert@asq.org. Supporting medical or other appropriate documentation must be submitted prior to scheduling your exam appointment through Prometric. Please keep a copy of all submitted forms for your records.

Once you have been approved for accommodations from ASQE, you will receive an eligibility email to schedule your online appointment through Prometric, or depending on the accommodation needed, you may need to contact Prometric to arrange the accommodations. If you are in North America, contact Prometric at (800) 967-1139. If you are outside of North America, please visit the Prometric testing accommodations website for regional contact information.

How can I schedule my exam appointment after my application is approved?

Computer-Based Tests (CBT)

ASQ computer-based tests are delivered through our partner, Prometric. Please visit our certification website for a list of testing window dates, application deadlines, and to apply for a computer-based exam.

Scheduling Online

Once you are approved to sit for the exam, ASQ will email you an eligibility email, which will include your eligibility ID and a link to schedule your exam directly through Prometric. Please save your ASQ eligibility ID in a safe place; you will not be able to schedule your exam without it. Eligibility emails are sent six months prior to the exam window you applied for. If you are currently within six months of your window, you will receive your eligibility email within 48 hours after you receive this email notification. Please visit Prometric's website for a listing of all Prometric testing centers near you.

Scheduling by Telephone

  • If you live in North America, you can use the Prometric Telephone System, an interactive voice response system that enables you to use a touch-tone phone to schedule, reschedule, cancel, or confirm existing exam appointments. Test center information (phone number, address, and directions) can also be obtained over the telephone or online.
  • If you live in North America, you can contact Prometric at 800-369-5949 Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. (U.S. Eastern Time).
  • If you live outside of North America, please visit Prometric's contact website for your region-specific phone number.
  • When contacting Prometric's Candidate Care Center, they will ask for the program (ASQ), the name of the certification exam you are scheduling, and your ASQ Eligibility ID (e.g., 12345678).

    If you do not schedule your exam appointment with Prometric by the last day of your eligibility period, you will forfeit your fees. You will not receive a refund. You will not be able to use the initial fees for anything else. If you still wish to obtain the certification, you will have to reapply and submit all associated fees again. (Your eligibility period is 180 days, starting with the exam window you selected during the application process.)

    After scheduling your exam appointment with Prometric, you will receive an email confirmation of your scheduled certification date, time, and location.

    *ASQE cannot guarantee seating at the testing centers and recommends that you schedule the exam as soon as you select a date on which you want to take it. For step-by-step instructions to schedule your exam through Prometric, please visit the following link: https://asq.org/cert/resource/pdf/certification/scheduling_prometric_appointment.pdf.

    Paper-Based Tests (PBT)

    Translated exams are offered only via paper-based testing and specific locations internationally.

    ASQE translates some certifications into Mandarin and Korean. Translated exams are exclusively offered as paper-based tests. Please visit our exam dates webpage to view languages offered, certification exam dates, applications deadlines, and to apply for a translated exam.

    NOTE: With the exception of Mandarin PBT exams in China and Korea, for all paper-based tests, a candidate will NOT need to schedule an exam appointment through Prometric. ASQ will email you your seating letter approximately two to three weeks prior to your exam date, which includes the date, time, and location of your paper-based test. For more information about paper-based testing in China, please see the China PBT page and for Korea visit our Korea PBT page on our testing provider Prometric's website.

    My application was put on hold. When should I submit my required work experience, education background, and/or affidavit?

    The required documentation including your work history, education experience, and/or affidavit must be submitted to cert@asq.org at least 5 days prior to either the start of your exam window (CBT) or exam date (PBT). If you fail to submit the required documentation, you will forfeit the exam fee.

    To schedule your exam at a Prometric testing center, you must first have submitted all the required documentation and have been approved by ASQE. As a reminder, ASQE cannot guarantee seating at the Prometric testing centers so it is best to submit all documentation when applying for your exam.

    If you do not have the education and work experience required to sit for a particular certification examination, you may obtain a partial refund of your examination fee by contacting ASQE. ASQE will not waive the examination requirements. If you are short on work experience, you may sit for the next exam, as long as you meet the requirement by the time you apply for the exam.

    What is the payment policy?

    ASQ will return your application if you do not enclose payment. You may pay by check, money order, bank draft, VISA, MasterCard, or American Express. Tuition vouchers and purchase orders are not accepted. $130.00 of your fee is an application fee and is not refundable.

    What are the policies regarding refunds, rescheduling, cancellations, late registration fee, and absences?

    Please click here to review the full policies regarding refunds,rescheduling, cancellations, late registration fee, and absences.

    Why does it cost $130 to reschedule a certification exam?

    Due to limited seating availability at Prometric Testing Centers, there is a $130 fee for changing an appointment.

    Will I receive a confirmation that I've successfully scheduled my exam appointment with Prometric?

    After scheduling your exam appointment with Prometric, you will receive an email confirmation of your scheduled certification date, time, and location.

    What if I do NOT schedule an appointment with Prometric?

    If you do not schedule your exam appointment with Prometric by the last day of your eligibility period, you will forfeit your fees. You will not receive a refund. You will not be able to use the initial fees for anything else. If you still wish to obtain the certification, you will have to reapply and submit all associated fees again. (Your eligibility period is 180 days, starting with the exam window you selected during the application process.)

    What will happen if I do NOT show up for my scheduled appointment with Prometric?

    If you do not contact Prometric or ASQ within five days of your appointment to reschedule or cancel your exam appointment and fail to show up during your scheduled appointment time, we will designate you as a no-show. If you are a no-show, you will forfeit the test fee and need to reregister and repay the test fee.

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