
Frequently Asked Questions

Complaint Policy

A complaint is a formal request of dissatisfaction other than appeal, by any person or organization regarding an ASQE’s certification staff, services, procedures, policies or any other certification-related activity.

Individuals with concerns are encouraged to discuss these with the individuals involved or the ASQE certification staff to try and resolve the matter informally. If a resolution is not possible, individuals may wish to file a formal complaint.

Complaint Submission

In order for a formal complaint to be considered, the formal complaint must be submitted within 30 calendar days of the incident’s occurrence. Details of the complaint shall be kept confidential throughout the resolution process.

A formal complaint submission shall include:

  1. Name
  2. Customer ID (if applicable)
  3. Email address
  4. Telephone contact number(s)(if available)
  5. Submitter Signature
  6. Reason for Submission

Please complete the complaint form with the following information listed above and submit by email to: cert@asq.org.

Complaint Review

Upon receipt of the complaint, a certification staff member will acknowledge within five business days to the submitter (via email) that the formal complaint was received.

A Complaint shall be reviewed by the Certification Director to determine if it can be addressed by the Certification staff and whether ASQE is responsible for the complaint. If it is determined that ASQE is responsible, the Certification Director may gather and verify any necessary information if applicable and/or assign to a certification staff member to resolve.

Any complaint about a certificant shall be provided by ASQE to the certificant about whom the complaint was made.

A response including a formal resolution shall be communicated to the submitter within a period of no longer than 30 days. If resolution will take longer, ASQE certification staff will provide progress updates.


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